Did you know that some verbs are truly reflexive in both English and Spanish? That’s right! These verbs are unique because the person doing the action also receives the action both literally and grammatically. Excited to know more? Here are a few examples to get you started:
# | English | Spanish |
1 | to behave oneself | comportarse |
2 | to blame oneself | culparse |
3 | to defend oneself | defenderse |
4 | to enjoy oneself | divertirse |
5 | to express oneself | expresarse |
6 | to hurt oneself | lastimarse |
7 | to introduce oneself | presentarse |
8 | to listen to oneself | escucharse |
9 | to look at oneself | mirarse |
10 | to see oneself | verse |
11 | to support oneself | mantenerse |
12 | to take care of oneself | cuidarse |
13 | to talk to oneself | hablarse |
14 | to tell oneself | decirse |
Reflexive Verbs – Examples
1. to behave oneself
English: He always behaves himself during the meeting.
Spanish: Él siempre se comporta durante la reunión.
2. to blame oneself
English: After each mistake, he blames himself.
Spanish: Después de cada error, él se culpa.
3. to defend oneself
English: We know how to defend ourselves.
Spanish: Sabemos cómo defendernos.
4. to enjoy oneself
English: We should all take time to enjoy ourselves.
Spanish: Todos deberíamos tomarnos un tiempo para divertirnos.
5. to express oneself
English: She expresses herself freely in her art.
Spanish: Ella se expresa libremente en su arte.
6. to hurt oneself
English: Be careful not to hurt yourself.
Spanish: Ten cuidado de no lastimarte.
7. to introduce oneself
English: At the conference, they introduced themselves.
Spanish: En la conferencia, ellos se presentantaron.
8. to listen to oneself
English: Sometimes I listen to myself for guidance.
Spanish: A veces yo me escucho para orientarme.
9. to look at oneself
English: I always look at myself in the mirror before leaving.
Spanish: Yo siempre me miro en el espejo antes de salir.
10. to see oneself
English: He often wonders how he can see himself in a different light.
Spanish: A menudo se pregunta cómo puede verse de manera diferente.
11. to support oneself
English: She has learned how to support herself.
Spanish: Ella ha aprendido a mantenerse.
12. to take care of oneself
English: You need to take care of yourself, especially when stressed.
Spanish: Necesitas cuidarte, especialmente cuando estás estresado.
13. to talk to oneself
English: Sometimes I find it helpful to talk to myself.
Spanish: A veces encuentro útil hablarme a mí mismo.
14. to tell oneself
English: I often tell myself, “You can do this!”
Spanish: A menudo yo me digo: “¡Tú puedes hacerlo!”