Hey, everyone! I can’t wait to tell you about something incredible regarding the Spanish language. You won’t believe that there are actually masculine nouns that end in “a”! It’s totally mind-blowing, right? These nouns have their roots in Greek and totally turn the traditional association of feminine nouns with “a” on its head. Get ready to be blown away by these astonishing examples!
Did you know that most Spanish words ending in “ma” are masculine? It’s pretty surprising. And get this – many of these words have English counterparts. Let’s dive into some examples together!
Let’s listen to Gael, from Spain, pronouncing these words for you:
# | Español | English |
1 | aroma | aroma |
2 | asma | asthma |
3 | clima | climate |
4 | coma | comma |
5 | diagrama | diagram |
6 | dilema | dilemma |
7 | diploma | diploma |
8 | drama | drama |
9 | emblema | emblem |
10 | enigma | enigma |
11 | esquema | scheme |
12 | estigma | stigma |
13 | fantasma | ghost, phantom |
14 | idioma | language |
15 | lema | motto |
16 | panorama | panorama |
17 | poema | poem |
18 | problema | problem |
19 | programa | program |
20 | síntoma | symptom |
21 | sistema | system |
22 | telegrama | telegram |
23 | tema | theme |
24 | teorema | theorem |
25 | trauma | trauma |
There are a few more masculine nouns ending in a, but not in ma. Here you have 3 we use all the time!
Let’s listen to Gael once again:
Español | English |
día | day |
mapa | map |
planeta | planet |