Hey everyone, get ready to dive into the fascinating world of the main parts of the human body in Spanish!
I’ve put together an engaging and efficient post so you can easily master the essential components of the human body. Stay tuned for more posts where we’ll uncover the lesser-known body parts. Get ready to be amazed!
Don’t worry, it might seem overwhelming at first. But with my help, it will be easy. Let’s start by identifying all the words related to body parts that are located on our head.
I’ll make it even easier. Let’s divide this group in two: one for masculine words and one for feminine words
Masculine Words
1 | chin | mentón |
2 | eye | ojo |
3 | hair | pelo |
4 | lip | labio |
5 | tooth | diente |
And now, let’s play your first game. Come on, it’s only five words!
Feminine Words
# | English | Spanish |
1 | cheek | mejilla |
2 | ear | oreja |
3 | eyebrow | ceja |
4 | eyelash | pestaña |
5 | face | cara |
6 | forehead | frente |
7 | head | cabeza |
8 | jaw | mandíbula |
9 | tongue | lengua |
The second game… Can you do it?
Now, let’s learn the main words to talk about the rest of our bodies.
Masculine Words
# | English | Spanish |
1 | arm | brazo |
2 | belly button | ombligo |
3 | body | cuerpo |
4 | bone | hueso |
5 | chest | pecho |
6 | elbow | codo |
7 | finger | dedo (de la mano) |
8 | foot | pie |
9 | heart | corazón |
10 | lung | pulmón |
11 | muscle | músculo |
12 | neck | cuello |
13 | shoulder | hombro |
14 | stomach | estómago |
15 | toe | dedo (del pie) |
Here we need to learn quite a few words. Let’s play 2 games so we make it easier!
Feminine Words
# | English | Spanish |
1 | back | espalda |
2 | hand | mano |
3 | knee | rodilla |
4 | leg | pierna |
5 | tummy | panza |
6 | wrist | muñeca |
Now, let’s learn the last 6 words in a snap!
You’ve just learned the main 35 parts of the human body. That’s enough to get around. Don’t you think so? Of course, we’ll continue to practise in our next lesson!