The words used to express colors in Spanish can be divided into two groups:
1. Some must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify—the same as any other adjective:
Listen to Simon, from Colombia, read these words aloud:
1 | amarillo | yellow |
2 | blanco | white |
3 | dorado | golden |
4 | morado | purple |
5 | negro | black |
6 | plateado | silver |
7 | rojo | red |
Let’s learn this in a snap!
2. Some have just one singular form and one plural form, both for masculine and feminine nouns:
Listen to Carina, from Spain, read these words aloud:
# | Español | English |
1 | azul | blue |
2 | celeste | sky-blue |
3 | gris | gray |
4 | marrón | brown |
5 | naranja | orange |
6 | rosa | pink |
7 | verde | green |
8 | violeta | violet |
Let’s learn these colors in a Snap!